Source code for pyfoxsi.telescope.telescope

Telescope is a module to handle the FOXSI telescopes
from __future__ import absolute_import

import pyfoxsi
import pandas as pd
from astropy.units import Unit
import os.path
import numpy as np

[docs]class Optic(object): """A FOXSI Optic class definition.""" def __init__(self): path = os.path.dirname(pyfoxsi.__file__) for i in np.arange(3): path = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.join(path, 'data/') filename = 'shell_parameters.csv' params_file = os.path.join(path, filename) self.shell_params = pd.read_csv(params_file, index_col=0) the_units = [Unit(this_unit) for this_unit in self.shell_params.loc[np.nan].values] self.units = {} for i, col in enumerate(self.shell_params): self.units.update({col: the_units[i]}) self.shell_params.drop(self.shell_params.index[0], inplace=True) missing_shells = np.setdiff1d(self.shell_params.index, pyfoxsi.shell_ids) self.shell_params.drop(missing_shells) for col in self.shell_params.columns: self.shell_params[col] = self.shell_params[col].astype(float)
[docs] def shell(self, shell_number): """Return the parameters of one shell""" try: this_shell = self.shell_params.loc[shell_number] except: ValueError('Shell %i is missing.' % shell_number) return this_shell
@property def mass(self): return self.shell_params['Mass'].sum() * self.units.get("Mass")